

This story, its eye and ear, its food, its characters, its wit, and the nostalgic Hester Street thrill of being transported to the Lower East Side of the early 1900’s entranced me.— Elinor Lipman, The Inn at Lake Devine and On Turpentine Lane
Rochelle Distelheim’s luminous first novel contains magic, passion and pure joy.—  Sharon Fiffer, “Lucky Stuff”
Sadie in Love… A Yiddish folktale of magic, love and hope, it is sure to put a spell on every reader.— Jennie Fields, “The Age of Desire”


Sadie in love ….The lower east side, my favorite part of New York, came to life in this book…all those delicious Jewish foods, borscht, herring, gefilte  fish…..pickles!!! This was a great read…— Ellie P. – Goodreads
Sadie in Love…is a delightful immersion into Jewish immigrant life in 1913 New York. Images of ice wagons, pushcarts of fruits and vegetables, and conversations in a mixture of Yiddish and night school English prevail…Distelheim’s debut novel is one of hope, magical spirits and comedic scenes in Sadie’s quest for love.— Fran – Goodreads
Did I love this book!! I just love Sadie! She could have been my bubbe! I loved the Jewish immigrant way of life on the lower East Side in 1913. I could just smell the herring and the pickles! Loved the Yiddish words and Sadie’s inflection. Made me smile from beginning to end.— Gail N. – Goodreads